8pt Buck Harvest on Video!
Great hunt! The video pretty much says it all – especially after I got done rambing! The rut is coming right on. I hunted with a cousin this morning and watched a small buck chasing a doe. You can’t beat deer hunting this time of year!
Very thankful and happy to have harvested such a beautiful deer – Good luck to you all!
Unofficial score done by myself is: 125 3/8″ Gross – 117 6/8″ Net
Wildlife Biologist friend just aged this deer at 4 1/2 years old – great mature whitetail!
There are 3 Comments to "8pt Buck Harvest on Video!"
Hopefully you didn’t leave your camera in the woods driving off…
I knew I was forgetting something!
great piece of work. you must have hit the articulate artery that runs through that area ot the back and guts. Glad you got him looks like a great buck kill – Congrats!!!!